Update on the event! It was surpriingly fun! There were sooo many people, and I DIDN'T FIND ANYONE! A few of my friends went but I never saw them, that's how crazy packed it was! I was even supposed to drop by and say hi to
Mandie of Geeky Glamorous, since she was a volunteer, but I couldn't find her either!
I did one of Michelle Phan's glasses make-up tutorials. I felt like a racoon...
but the glasses did help tone them down!
I also remembered I had a pair of goggles from Chemistry, since I used to want to be a biologist, but I decided not to wear them. I'm paranoid there's chemicals on them still...
I made these 8-bit hearts for Mike and myself! Since we're more so gamer-nerds.
Mike picked me up and we got there around 7. He looks so cute!
We had to wait till 8:30 pm
Mike let me keep both our bands. Smaller one is mine, because "Asians are tiny people", according to Mike.
We were lucky!
Mike and I were the last two who got the free gift bag! Which made us 99 & 100! Mike is nice though, and he gave his bag to the girl behind us. He could have given it to me, but idk! It's all good! I'm not that selfish, and I probably would have given it to my friend Janet who couldn't make it to the event. Mike is a super good guy! Why am I so lucky to be dating a saint? haha.
This was in my goodie bag!
We got food from the famous grilled cheese truck!
Mike got a normal grilled cheese.
I got the Sanrio Melt, and we shared some tater tots.
Sanrio Melt: Pesto marinated heirloom tomatoes, bacon, caramelized onions, cheese, on...bread. It was actually good. I would have even eaten it without the bacon xp.
I like Hello Kitty, but I'm not a crazy fan.
The main reason why I wanted to go to this event was because of the chiptune artist! and it happened to be two of the artists I first listened to when I started getting into chiptunes two years ago! ComputeHer & 8bit Weapon. The crowd was rather small, since I guess most other people went mainly for Hello Kitty. Mike and I stayed the whole time watching them, and kind of felt like a creeper. But it was the exciting part of the event for me! haha
ComputerHer played Coco Kitty! That's one of the first songs I heard by her a few years ago! So I got excited haha. *nerdy fangirly moment*
More ComputeHer
8bit Weapon! Another first song from a few years back. I have this song but I can't think of the name atm.
I didn't realize till later, but it's
Kalamari Kastle & Stephiee of
Dolly Beast! (I feel like a creeper for knowing them too... but! They're friends of the event coordinators, plus my friend Janet has been following their adventures since highschool, so that's why I know of them!) They danced and drew in a crowd! I wish I wasn't so shy and could dance like them!
After their sets, we found them walking around. Mike and I wanted a picture with them,but that slipped our minds.
We got to talk to ComputeHer and she was super nice! and told us to keep in contact. We were so nervous and starstruck that we completely felt like lamers haha... but she was nice even though we probably were being awkward. I even didn't tell her how I've played her on my radio show when I used to DJ too!
After that, I decided I should make us business cards for Pixel Punch.
I was so close to ripping off my pixel heart & giving it to her! haha. But, Mike pointed out it's good I didn't 'cause it's our first prototypes Xd. Plus it's his heart!
These kids are adorable. My future children will be this awesome.
Here are some of the art pieces in the
JapanLA HK art exhibit:

Mike liked these a lot
This is our future child's room:By
Bei Bad Girl! She had another display too but I couldn't take a pic 'cause my batteries died D:. I saw her in person too, because you can't miss her silver hair! She's actually tiny and cute! I think a lot of the people I've mentioned on my blog so far are actually tiny! They seem so tall in their pictures! haha *weird*
I loved this! Keroppi in super actual frog form, but still super adorable!
Audrey Kawasaki piece in person!
Junko Mizuno
I loved this because it's simple & cute, but also because it reminded me of my print-making days. I told Mike I would eventually do prints for Pixel Punch.

Mike liked this

and this.
And lastly, I don't think I have to explain who this is.
I actually did buy something. I wanted to buy the Beard papa x Hello Kitty tote bag, but the shop was closing when I went to get one :(
I already knew I was going to buy these before I went into the pop-up shop. Haha. I also wanted the Chubby Bunny Hello Kitty bows, but felt bad using a lot of money... maybe next time!
We're going next week for the
80s Kitty in Pink Prom! because.... we both didn't go to our proms! and we were born at the end of the 80s!
After, we took purikura!
Mike looks adorable.
After we went to my place, and I serenaded him with my bass. Then he tried to learn to play bass. He got shy and embarrassed, but he's slowly learning!
He was supposed to drive home, but he was too tired and fell asleep in my bed. aww.
He eventually went home, and this is the conversation we had today (in relation to the 8bit heart):
omg, I swear we're soul mates! haha. Well, I'm just glad we're on the same page for a lot of things.
As for Pixel Punch! I need to make our business cards, but here are some random art-related things:
My friend Patty said it looked like us and it was cute. I feel like it's missing something though.
Mike drew me!
also with a keytar!