Sunday, October 24, 2010

Animation, weekend adventures, costumes, etc

Day six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever).
  1. Kevin
  2. Grandpa
  3. Parents (even if we don't get along)
  4. My brother (even if we've had our differences)
  5. --------
Oh gosh, I actually already have a youtube account I hardly use, but did use to upload KDVS events. I decided to make a new one to dump other things on there... and I did it so I could upload this instead of always saving it as a gif - since the files are slowly getting bigger.

This was my second time working in flash, and so there are little kinks that bother me, but for now enjoy!:

The assignment was to make a jumping frog or bean, and then make them do "something cool". I chose a frog and automatically thought of Frogger. At first, I was going to make it a happy ending, but then I remembered those hours and quarters lost repeating the same thing that never really ends & only gets harder...

My classmates laughed & seemed to like it. I even got some screams of "I Love you Grace!" <3 style="font-weight: bold;">Making people smile makes me happy! :3

After class, I ended up going to David's. Luckily, I brought my camera so I could take pics of his room (I'm a creeper like that, but I really love his room).

David has the Xmen arcade machine! but, David's room has been a mess and he complained about me taking pics in that state (Halloween preps), so I was nice and blurred what shouldn't be on an arcade machine XD.


His "office". I'm in love with that large monitor, too bad it's not working right now. I also love the Samus, which is new.

This is also one of my fav. parts of his room.

David said, when he dies, he'll put in his will that he's giving us 30 seconds to grab whatever we want in his room, then the rest will go to charity. I have my eyes on the framed handhelds, and Samus. Possibly a system or two... but I have to strategically figure out how I'm going to get all of those in 30 seconds.

I might want this book end too. Oh, when I get rid of my tummy fat, and tone up I would totally dress up as Morgan.

Speaking of dress up, it's almost Halloween!

Amy has been working on R.Mika (from Street Fighter series). It looks pretty good so far!

David, Amy, and Nora (not pictured) all work at Fry's, and they decided to dress as Street Fighter characters to work! Nora is Cammy (she was working on it Friday night), Amy is R. Mika, and David is Honda.

For normal Halloween activities - David is going as a ghost buster, and even made his own proton pack! It even lights up in three places! David amazes me - he hates computers, but he's pretty good at crafting things with electronics.

David in his ghost buster outfit, and Amy as batgirl for a costume party.

I was supposed to go, but didn't have a costume so David lent me his Mario costume (even though it was big on me - I had to roll up things, button things to the max, etc).

Hanging with David & his Fry's crew (all of his friends I've met work at Fry's) made me excited, and miss cosplaying/dressing up. So, I'm debating if I want to dress up this Halloween.

I narrowed it down to:

I noticed 2 are from fighting games, and 2 are from horror survivals! I chose Chun-Li 'cause of this Street Fighter costume phase everyone is going through, but am worried about details, because if I ever made her I don't want it to be half assed.

I'm somewhat leaning towards the bubble head or Zoey, because they're fairly simple. If I made Zoey, I'd probably make the health pack, plus I get to carry a fake gun! American Apparel carries a track jacket similar to hers.

Shopping stuff:

I keep browsing the Valve store, because I love Valve... but also to check if they have The Sacrifice poster selling yet. I REALLY WANT THAT PRINT! (*sniffle*Bill...). I also keep looking & hoping all the Companion cubes aren't sold out (I want one :<)

A few shirts were marked 50% off too! and normally when I check, the sizes left are 2XL or 3XL... but this one shirt had small & medium! Miracle!

And then actual things I bought for school/myself:

Note books for classes

new sketch book & hair dye
In other news,

I think I've bitten off more than I can chew. I have 5 classes this quarter, lots of homework, and decided to get involved in more things:
  1. Helping my friend, Waylan, at USC with his game as artist. My first deadline is tonight.
  2. Took up a short - part time job that my friend Mike helped me get. It's easy & all I have to do is transfer information, but it's just a lot of stuff to transfer.
  3. Did I mention homework?
  4. I also decided I'd get involved and dedicate some time to our school's new Developer's Club.
I've already gotten sick, got better, then got sick again. Not to mention, I'm starting to have more all-nighters than I would like!!


  1. Damn that airplane! XD I really liked how you made it like a video game. Very cool.

    And that is one awesome room! I think if my hubby had his way, he'd decorate the place like that too...hehe. I got a kick out of that 30 second clause in his will. XD And cute Mario costume and haul!

  2. Thank you ^^

    And I think guys who have the will to decorate in some sense are neat XD

  3. oh nice collectibles and nice decoration for the room!
