- Rude
- Chest hair/back hair (well I know it can't be helped but... it scares me if it's a lot)
- Wandering eyes
- BO
Pretty cute! Even if you're a dude reading this, maybe you'd want to enter for your gal? ;3
So Halloween!
Steam has a Halloween Sale. I bought a few things to have on my account because they were dirt cheap (BioShock = $5, Plants Vs. Zombies = $5). I also got Chime ($5) because I've wanted to play it and it looked interesting. It's pretty amusing. It reminds me of the Tenori-On mixed with Tetris/a puzzle.
Does everyone have plans? Originally I didn't have any, but on a whim, my friend Mike and I are gonna go trick or treating! haha. We're both 22, but can pass as 17-18!
Today there was a Halloween event at my school. It acually didn't feel like I had school because I was running around everywhere! I had a group meeting for the Developer's Club, and then I had class but even then, my instructor let the class go down to the Halloween party for 15 minuets to get some food, since a lot of people were late to class.
My friend Darrel~
David won "Best of Show" for the costume contest. I knew he would win something, that costume was pretty awesome. I also can say, I helped make that costume...just a little (I helped him iron on the ghost buster patches 'cause he doesn't know how to iron!)
Chris! ♥
I dressed up in a bit of a toned down Gothic Lolita. My friend Janet also dressed in Lolita (more sweet lolita) but was trying to make it work as Little Red Riding Hood. I didn't run into her though :(. Another friend, Sarah, happened to be wearing lolita-esque clothing too!
No picture of my outfit, but I did spend a lot of time on the make up (layered eye lashes for the first time!):
My animations continue! We did basic walk cycles, and then had to make a few others. I also had a zombie, but decided not to upload it since I'm not that happy with it.

When I came home, I found these shoes in my room. My mom got them for me because she had some gift-certificates. They're really hard to get on because of that strap across the front - it makes it a weird angle I have to fit my feet through. I should have sized up maybe. They are nice though, and I was in need of boots for the fall (thank you mother).
Speaking of shoes, they are kind of my girlie- weakness (besides make up, ribbons, lace, & cute animal motifs).
The UO suede pumps are usually out of stock... but, they were in stock this time! AND! In the colors I wanted! PLUS, on sale! So though I feel guilty dishing out money, I think it was worth it since I've been wanting these for over a year.
I ALSO used part of my paycheck in the Valve store (valve game merchandise) + Steam (games). Darn you sale items! But, I did get three shirts on sale! and I need clothes (shameless excuses!). I'm still waiting for them to release The Sacrifice prints...
Lastly, Dtoid is having a contest where you have to draw the Dtoid robot on your body for a chance to win Dtoid-custom designed NOX headphones.
My friend Miles jokingly said I should draw it in my cleavage. I'm not that type of person usually, but I thought it was kind of funny. It didn't really come out how I wanted it to (drawing on yourself is hard sometimes) but I still think the little robot is cute haha. I'm actually debating if I should enter it, or re-think of another spot to draw him.
Well, have a safe & Happy Halloween everyone!